

Southeastern Connecticut Community Land Trust, Inc.


The Southeastern Connecticut Community Land Trust holds land for the development and stewardship of permanently affordable housing, land for food production, green space, and facilities for community organizations.

Join now and support community access to affordable homeownership, advancing community development, and furthering neighborhood revitalization.


Grounded Solutions Network works nationally, connecting local experts with the networks, knowledge, and support they need. We help promote housing solutions that will stay affordable for generations.

The Community Land Trust Reader Edited by John Emmeus Davis. This compendium brings together seminal and historical texts that inspired and defined the community land trust (CLT). The collection also examines contemporary applications of the CLT to promote home ownership, spur community development, protect public investment, and capture land gains for the common good.

Roots of the CLT. This is a four-part series created by John Davis and the National Community Land Trust Network, intended to educate and inspire about the CLT movement.